The New 4 Loko

It was only a matter of time before we had a new alcohol form to vilify now that 4 Loko and similar beverages are banned. The new and upcoming villain for us to keep foolish college kids from having to be responsible for their alcohol intake – Whipanol or alcoholic whipped cream. The top two contenders right … Continue reading

Work-Life Balance

So I was reading a great article from Forbes (I highly encourage you read it) the other day talking about work-life balance and how it is over discussed or stressed. It made some really great points, but the biggest take away that I got from it was this: If you love what you do, there … Continue reading

Thanksgiving Awesomeness

So it is Thanksgiving time again and is really my favorite time of year. Thanksgiving  has become, hands down, my favorite holiday and here’s why. It has all the family and friend re-union benefits of Christmas, without any of the pressure of gift buying and giving. You really can just hang out with family and … Continue reading

Super Bowl Picks

So I know it is only week 11 of the NFL season, however in the interest of diversifying my discussion topic here are my picks for the Super Bowl and Championship Games this year. I’ll make more of these as we approach season end, particularly the actual Super Bowl as I’ve been startlingly insightful as … Continue reading

4 Loko? How about 4 Nomo

So the ban on 4 Loko has come. This product has been a hot topic for the last several weeks and has been highly publicized due to the hospitalizations and deaths from people drinking them. Here’s my question. If everyone has been informed of the dangers of drinking large amounts of alcohol and caffeine together, … Continue reading

A Man’s Man

On my drive home this evening, I thought to myself out of the blue what makes a man’s man? You hear and know and meet man’s men all the time, but what really makes a guy a man’s man? (NOTE: I AM IN NO WAY SAYING THAT I AM A MAN’S MAN. This is simply … Continue reading

The need to break rules

Sometimes we just need to break the rules. Now I’m not talking about anything illegal or of the form that could get you in major trouble. I’m talking like white lie rule breaking or some implicit rule breaking. It’s good to break the rules that aren’t strongly regulated or enforced. It gives you a chance … Continue reading

The Reboot

So I had a great idea for this blog, and then I let it fall off. I simply didn’t stick with it or devote enough time and attention to it. Well it’s time to reboot and revamp the old blog. It’s time for a rededication and a chance to help rebolster the public with my … Continue reading

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